See you in 2023

I won’t publish new posts in December 2022 on this blog (hum, maybe except this one 🤔).


I’ll be busy elsewhere, but I have some ideas for 2023 \o/

What to expect in 2023

Deeper analysis, but still with simple words 🙏🏻.

Learned in 2022

Personal thoughts on hacking

I tend to prefer the Blue team, as it seems a bit more challenging for me, but you can’t skip attacking techniques if you want to catch your adversaries.

In 2022, I’ve experimented “real-world” assignments, solved various CTFs, made some contributions, and wrote some blog posts. It’s also pretty cool to be a software developer, as you can see the same problem from multiple angles:

However, I’m quite disappointed that some critical aspects are still underestimated by organizations, like having a security culture and regular pen-tests.

Many systems shift the responsibility to the end-users (e.g., employees). While a good security hygiene is necessary, it’s not always enough. Even the “extreme mode” cannot save you sometimes, so you’d better prepare for post-exploitation and breaches instead of blaming on the tools or someone else.


See you in 2023.